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How is this regex splitting this string?

I'm having a problem unraveling some Java code sent me. How is this regular expression splitting out the strings with the array?

String[] words = haystack.split("[ \"\'\t\n\b\f\r]", 0);

It is splitting on any of the following in the character class denoted by the opening [ and closing ] :

  • – space
  • \\" – quote
  • \\' – apostrophe
  • \\t – tab
  • \\n – line feed
  • \\b – backspace
  • \\f – form feed
  • \\r – carriage return

See the Java regex reference for clarification about regex character classes and characters.

Also, note that \\' could very well be ' , escaping being unnecessary in that case. Check out an example split on Ideone with this little change.

I think you mean haystring (which is a string) is split into an array of strings. All white space characters are used as a delimeter.

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