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Hide/Mask Confidential Data In Spring REST Response

I am creating a rest service using Spring REST+Spring Security. In few services I need to Hide/Mask data in response.

For example, I don't want anybody to see a user's password. So the password field should be empty or should not be present in response. I am using same DTO in request and list response. That's why could not remove attribute from DTO.

Similarly, account number should be masked as xxx-xxx-xxx-123 .

Is there any way in spring to achieve this? Or any common solution that could be applied on all entities/controller when ResponseEntity is returned (like Interceptor )?

In this case, you could use either @JsonIgnore, as already suggested, or projections. If you need more controle over response, you could implement your own Serializers as well.

If you want to mask only selected field, during logging and keep other field values as is. you can try this.


 <dependency> <groupId>com.immibytes</groupId> <artifactId>sp-utils</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-RELEASE</version> </dependency> 

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