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Passing class as parameter in java function

I am trying to pass Java class as parameter in function, reason behind it it that I have several pojo classes for different APIs and I am trying to create a single parser utility for all the API URL and pojo class, I have tried with little or no success.

below is the code example -

   public class util {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
        List<JsonGenMovies> jsongen = null;
        String url = "http://www.dishanywhere.com/radish/v20/dol/movies/carousels/featured.json?nkey=0e1345ee597cf280c8a2cde367b6b894";
        getMovieParser(jsongen, url);

        List<JsonGenShow> jsongenShow = null;
        String URL = "http://www.dishanywhere.com/radish/v20/dol/shows/carousels/featured.json";
        getShowParser(jsongenShow, URL);

    public static String[] getMovieParser (List<JsonGenMovies> jsongen, String url ) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException
        URL jsonUrl = new URL(url);
        ObjectMapper objmapper = new ObjectMapper();
        jsongen = objmapper.readValue(jsonUrl, new TypeReference<List<JsonGenMovies>>() {});
        String[] shows = new String [jsongen.size()]; 
        int i = 0;
        for(JsonGenMovies element : jsongen) {
        for(int j =0; j<shows.length;j++)
        return shows;   

    public static String[] getShowParser (List<JsonGen> jsongenShow, String URL ) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException
        URL jsonUrl = new URL(URL);
        ObjectMapper objmapper = new ObjectMapper();
        jsongenShow = objmapper.readValue(jsonUrl, new TypeReference<List<JsonGen>>() {});
        String[] shows = new String [jsongenShow.size()]; 
        int i = 0;
        for(JsonGen element : jsongenShow) {
        for(int j =0; j<shows.length;j++)
        return shows;   

in the line -

jsongen = objmapper.readValue(jsonUrl, new TypeReference<List<JsonGen>>() {});

I still have <List<JsonGen>> a hard coded class name which I am trying to replace with arguments. please if you can help.

Please reply with little explanation, one liner might not be my thing.

Regards Shek

If i understand correctly you want to have one function instead of two or more.
You can do that with generic type


public static <T> String[] getParser(List<T> jsongen, String url) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
  URL jsonUrl = new URL(url);
  ObjectMapper objmapper = new ObjectMapper();
  jsongen = objmapper.readValue(jsonUrl, new TypeReference<List<T>>() {

  String[] shows = new String[jsongen.size()];
  int i = 0;
  for (T element : jsongen) {
    shows[i++] = element.getName();

  for (int j = 0; j < shows.length; j++) {
  return shows;

If both JsonGenMovies and JsonGen extends/implements an interface or class, Eg JsonGenMovies extends Json then you can do this :

public static <T extends Json> String[] getParser(List<T> jsongen, String url)

T is a generic type, it does not really exist but it will be replaced at runtime by Class used for jsongen arg.

For example in :

List<String> myList;
getParser(myList, "http://blablabla.blalb.com");

All T are replaced by String .

I hope this is what you are looking for.
you can found more explanation about generic type here with better explanation than mine.


If you want to keep your POJO pattern then you can try this (not sure it will works)

public static String[] getParser(List<?> jsongen, String url) throws Exception {
  URL jsonUrl = new URL(url);
  ObjectMapper objmapper = new ObjectMapper();
  jsongen = objmapper.readValue(jsonUrl, new TypeReference<List<?>>() {
  String[] shows = new String[jsongen.size()];
  int i = 0;
  for (Object element : jsongen) {
    Method method = element.getClass().getMethod("getName");
    shows[i++] = (String) method.invoke(element);

  for (int j = 0; j < shows.length; j++) {

  return shows;

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