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How to query more than one field using ContentSearch API in sitecore

I'm working on the Sitecore ContentSearch API.I have indexed a set of fields in an Item.is it possible to query more than one fields at the same time?

 public static List<MovieSearchResultItem> SearchResults(string txtQuery)
            using (var context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName).CreateSearchContext())
                var query = context.GetQueryable<MovieSearchResultItem>().Where(result => result.Body.Contains(txtQuery)).ToList();
                return query;

In the above query I'm just using the Body field.how to include more than one fields.My search data might be title or body or someother field so i want to check all three fields.

Try to add another condition to the Where clause:

var query = context.GetQueryable<MovieSearchResultItem>()
    .Where(result => result.Body.Contains(txtQuery)
        || result.Title.Contains(txtQuery)
        || result.OtherField.Contains(txtQuery)).ToList();

Simple enough, you can add it expression like so:

var query = context.GetQueryable<MovieSearchResultItem>().Where(result => result.Body.Contains(txtQuery) || result.Title.Contains(txtQuery))

Or you can use the PredicateBuilder, more info on that right here: http://www.sitecore.net/Learn/Blogs/Technical-Blogs/Sitecore-7-Development-Team/Posts/2013/05/Sitecore-7-Predicate-Builder.aspx

I can recommend the PredicateBuilder. Example:

        Expression<Func<SearchResultItem, bool>> predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();

        predicate = predicate.And(p => p.TemplateName.Equals("News"));
        predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Language == Context.Language.Name);

        List<SearchResultItem> results = context

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