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Is bareword filehandle package variable in Perl?

The legacy bareword filehandle looks in global scope, is it parsed as package variable? Why isn't it prepended with punctuation sign ( $ )?

open FILE, 'file.txt';

If you look at perldoc -f ref you will see that there are more data types than there are identifying sigils. The only defined ones are

  • $ - SCALAR
  • @ - ARRAY
  • % - HASH
  • & - CODE

the rest are identified by context.

If you write

package Pack;

open FH, '<', 'file';

then FH appears in the Pack symbol table as the IO variable Pack::FH . It isn't preceded by a dollar $ because it is an IO variable, not a SCALAR . Without a preceding package statement, it will be placed in the default main namespace. So with your example

open FILE, 'file.txt'

you can then read from the FILE handle using the fully-qualified main::FILE like this

while (<main::FILE>) {

Used to be a convention in Perl - filehandles were all uppercase, and globally scoped.

This started with STDIN (and the other standard file streams) and so you could do:

while ( <STDIN> ) {

Perl's open command supports a 'legacy' mode of opening, which is:

open ( FILEHANDLE, ">filename.txt" );

It's not recommended to use this any more, but it can't be removed without breaking legacy code.

Instead you should:

 open ( my $filehandle, ">", 'filename.txt' ) or die $!;
 print {$filehandle} "Some Text\n";

This has two advantages:

  • your filehandle is lexically scoped, so you don't have to worry about a module writing to 'OUTPUT' or similar.
  • Because it's lexically scoped, it automatically closes when it goes out of scope.
  • 3 argument open avoids injection exploits.

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