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Extracting Raw JSON as String inside a Spray POST route

I've a POST Spray route and the request contains a JSON body (content-type "application/json"). I want a way to extract the raw JSON from this request inside my route.

For http://host:port/somepath/value1 I want to extract the post body as TextMsgResponse . But for http://host:port/somepath/value2 I want to extract the post body just as a raw Json (eg, { "name":"Jack", "age":30 }

val myRoute = path("somepath" / Segment) { pathSegment => 
post {   //use only POST requests
  pathSegment match {
    case "value1" =>
      entity(as[TextMsgResponse]) { textMsg =>
        complete {
          //do something with the request
    case "value2" => { 
       //here is I want to extract the RAW JSON from the request          

You can use the extract directive as

def rawJson = extract { _.request.entity.asString} 
case "value2" => rawJson{ json =>// use the json 

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