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C# Get string between two characters in a string

I have a string like below:


And currently, I'm using below code to split them:

string stringIWantToSplit = "{{\"textA\",\"textB\",\"textC\"}}";
string[] result = stringIWantToSplit.Split(',');

And I can get the below result:


After that, I can manually trim out the '{' and '}' to get the final result, but here is the problem:

If the string is like below:


Then the result will be different from Expected result

Expected result:


Actual result:

{{"textA" "textB textD" "textC"}}

How can I get the string between two double quotes?


Just now when I checked the data, I found that some of them contains decimals ie


Currently, I'm trying to use Jenish Rabadiya's approach, and the regex I'm using is


but with this regex, the numbers aren't selected, how to modify it so that the numbers / decimal can be selected?

Try using regex like following.

Regex regex = new Regex(@"([""'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1");
foreach (var match in regex.Matches("{{\"textA\",\"textB\",\"textC\"}}"))

Here is working dotnet fiddle => Link

Assuming your string will always look like your examples, you can use a simple regular expression to get your strings out:

string s = "{{\"textA\",\"textB,textD\",\"textC\"}}";

foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(s, "\\\".*?\\\""))
    //do stuff

I think this will help you,

List<string> specialChars = new List<string>() {",", "{{","}}" };
string stringIWantToSplit = "{{\"textA\",\"textB,textD\",\"textC\"}}";
string[] result = stringIWantToSplit.Split(new char[] {'"'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
            .Where(text => !specialChars.Contains(text)).ToArray();


text = Regex.Replace(text, @"^[\s,]+|[\s,]+$", "");

I finally modified the regex to this:

(["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1|(\d*\.?\d*)[^"' {},]

And this finally works:



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