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Copying a file with streams in C++

I wrote this in an attempt to copy the contents of one text file into another based on command-line arguments:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    if(argc != 3) {
        cout << "invalid args!";
        return 0;

    fstream op(argv[1], ios::in);
    vector<string> list;

    string line;

        op >> line;


    op.open(argv[2], ios::out);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
        op << list[i];


    return 0;

It does not produce any syntax errors, but a logic error is evident: there is no output.

So apart from the lack of error-checking and the fact that there are more efficient ways to do this, what is wrong with my code? That is,

You have a bug: your while loop's body is not enclosed in {} , so only op >> line is executed until the file is read completely, and the last value of line is then pushed onto the vector.

EDIT: By the way, that's a very good illustration for why you should let your editor do your code indentation; the way your while loop looked, it was hard to spot this mistake.

There are several issues in your code:

  • With streams you shall not loop on end or eof (have a look at the many SO questions/answers about this).
  • The enclosing {} issue that Marcus revealed
  • You are not reading lines but words ( operator>> uses spaces as separators) and squizing the whitespaces in the output.

Here how to tackle all this:

while(getline(op, line)) 

and of course for the output: op << list[i]<<endl;

For one-to-one copy, you may also consider the following code - handles binary data, uses less memory and is shorter:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc < 3)
    return 1;

  fstream s(argv[1], ios::in);
  fstream d(argv[2], ios::out);

    , istreambuf_iterator<char>()
    , ostreambuf_iterator<char>(d));

  return 0;

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