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Open .sql file SQL Server Management Studio from a folder throught C# with a specfic server name

I need to open .sql files from a folder using c# . i am using this code to open .sql files

string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(Folder);
            foreach (string File in Files)

this code is working fine but...

I want to open SSMS in a specific server connection through c#.

Explanation: I want my c# code to open SSMS in a specfic server connection so that user dose not have to connect to a server when SSMS opens.


Use System.Diagnostics.Process to start ssms and send the parameters

Process.Start("ssms.exe", "-S (local)\\sqlexpress -E C:\\SQLQuery1.sql");

Usage: ssms.exe [-S server_name[\\instance_name]] [-d database] [-U user] [-P password] [-E] [file_name[, file_name]] [/?]

[-S The name of the SQL Server instance to which to connect]

[-d The name of the SQL Server database to which to connect]

[-E] Use Windows Authentication to login to SQL Server

[-U The name of the SQL Server login with which to connect]

[-P The password associated with the login]

[file_name[, file_name]] names of files to load

[-nosplash] Supress splash screen

[/?] Displays this usage information



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