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Live Search get multiple fields

I have this live search and it works perfectly. What i want to do is I want to get another field. Aside of fetching indcator name i also want to get its ID by assigning it to another input type once I clicked the indicatorname using live search.

Heres the Script :

  <script type="text/javascript">
       $(document).ready(function() {
           source: function( request, response ) {
             url : 'ajax.php',
             dataType: "json",
        data: {
           name_startsWith: request.term,
           type: 'indicatorname'
         success: function( data ) {

           response( $.map( data, function( item ) {
            return {
              label: item,
              value: item

        autoFocus: true,
        selectFirst: true,
        minLength: 0,
        focus : function( event, ui ) {
        select: function( event, ui ) {
        open: function() {
         $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ).addClass( "ui-corner-top");
        close: function() {
          $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-all" );

        effect: 'transfer'

Heres the ajax.php :


   $connection = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=brgy_profiler
                 user=postgres password=password");

    if (!$connection)
          echo "Couldn't make a connection!";



    if($_GET['type'] == 'indicatorname'){
     $result = pg_query("SELECT cindicatordesc,nindicatorid from
                          tbl_indicators where cindicatordesc LIKE
     $data = array();
    while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) 
         array_push($data, $row['cindicatordesc']);

        echo json_encode($data);


Here's my tbl_indicator :


How can i get also the nindicatorid field and get it together with cindicatordesc using ajax live search?

Note: Only cindicatordesc will be displayed and nindicatorid will be save in an input type.

Not a problem. You can add additional data attributes in your Auto-complete select return as,

         source: function( request, response ) {
         success: function( data ) {
           response( $.map( data, function( itemList ) {
            return {
              label: itemList.label,
              value: itemList.value,
              extraField : itemList.extraField

So, Only change you need to accommodate is the Server side where you need to send the extra values to the Auto-complete AJAX.

And , On select event you can fetch the value as ui.item.extraField .

Here is a Sample Demo of using multiple attributes. Although it is not same as you have done, the inner logic is the same.

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