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how to send structure in C using UDP sockets without serialization?

I am trying to send a structure in C without using serialization

// client
typedef struct student_rec {
char name[25];
float gpa;
int pid;
} stu;

stu stu = { "Ray T Champion" , 4.0 ,  12345666};

sendto(sk,&stu,sizeof(struct student_rec),0,&remote,sizeof(remote));

typedef struct student_rec {
char name[25];
float gpa;
int pid;
} stu;

stu s ;
struct student_rec *ptr;
ptr = &s;
recvfrom(sk,&s,sizeof(struct student_rec),0,&remote,&rlen);
printf("%s\n", ptr->name);
printf( "%d\n", ptr->pid );

I recieve the name just fine , but the pid is not correct, I get garbage values, I am not concerend about endianess, I would just like to be able to send the struct in one shot.

You face an endianess issue.

You send 12345666 which is the same as 0x00BC6142

and you receive 1113701376 which equal to 0x4261BC00 .

Before sending convert to network byte order by

stu.pid = htonl(stu.pid);

After receiving convert (back) to host byte order.

stu.pid = ntohl(stu.pid);

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