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Calling methods using parent class

I'm very new to object-oriented programing, and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to manage the relationship between classes that have related data.

I'm trying to represent some genomic information about a series of organisms, which I am eventually going to compare. So I have a Species class:

class Species(object):
    def __init__(self, species_name, genes={}, contigs={}):
        self.species_name = species_name
        self.genes = genes
        self.contigs = contigs

Then I'd like to have a Gene class,

class Gene(object):
    def __init__(self, locus_tag, annotation, dna_seq, aa_seq):
        self.locus_tag = locus_tag
        self.annotation = annotation
        self.dna_seq = dna_seq
        self.aa_seq = aa_seq

The idea is that the genes method of Species will be a dictionary of Gene objects, where the key is the locus_tag of the Gene . I think I know how to implement this part.

But one of the things I'd like to be able to do is call a function on a Gene object that requires knowing what Species it's in (it would output a file structure that includes the species_name and locus_tag , but these are coming from two different classes. The easiest thing I can think of would be to add a species_name directly to the Gene class, but since each Gene will be within a Species , this seems redundant.

I'm not even sure where to begin - I did quite a bit of searching, but the other questions I've found are either not relevant, or I don't understand enough to grasp the relevance.

Create the Gene objects, then create the Species object by passing the dictionary for genes and then update the Gene objects by setting the Species instance to it, like so:

for gene in genes:
    gene.species = species

After that each Gene instance ( gene ) can refer to its Species object by doing self.species or, for example, self.species.species_name to get the name.

I would generally not do what you've described. It creates a circular reference, which should be avoided where possible. Objects should generally have a hierarchical relationship. You should be try to find a way to keep a gene and a species reference together where you might need to serialise it.

To be able to serialise a gene you could write a function that takes a species and a gene as arguments. eg.

# if using python 2 (I think you might be)
from __future__ import print_function

class Species(object):
    def __init__(self, species_name, genes={}, contigs={}):
        self.species_name = species_name
        self.genes = genes
        self.contigs = contigs

    def serialise(self, fileobj):
        for gene in self.genes.values():
            self.serialise_gene(gene, fileobj)

    def serialise_gene(self, gene, fileobj):
        print(self.name, gene.locus_tag, sep=", ", file=fileobj)
        # prints "name, locus_tag" to the file

s = Species("homo erectus")
with open("some_file.txt", "w") as f:

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