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Convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in java

I work on my records that comes from a PHP API , that returns my MongoDB documents as JSON (json_enoded).

all I want is a simple function that gets the actual id from MongoId , like this :

This is the record that comes from API into my java application :

 String id =    cat.getString("_id");
 String id =   "{\"$id\":\"54f76bb7404f9990010041b2\"}"

and cat is a JsonObject that I get from my records;

and by the way , I get my records from an API that is written in PHP and all the responses from this API are json_encoded , So they are Strings actually .

I want this :

 String id =   54f76bb7404f9990010041b2 

is there any easy way ?

EDIT : I'm not using JAva mongo driver , this documents are strings that comes from an Api.

How about String.split(":") and then a substring from first index of " to last index? Sorry for describing in brief. I can provide a code example, if required.

String id = "{'$id':'54f76bb7404f9990010041b2'}";
String[] tokens = id.split(":");
String valueToken = tokens[1];
valueToken = valueToken.substring(1,valueToken.lastIndexOf("'"));

I used @Aminda's answer and used this :

 String mongo_id = "{\"$id\":\"54f76bb7404f9990010041b2\"}"

 String MongoIdToString(String mongo_id){
    return mongo_id.split(":")[1].substring(mongo_id.indexOf("\"")).split("\"")[0];

  String mongo_id = MongoIdToString(mongo_id);

this will produce :

  mongo_id =  54f76bb7404f9990010041b2

Thanks to all;

Do something like (assuming your string is: "{_id:....}" :

String s = yourId.split["::][1];
String id = s.subString(0, s.length - 1);

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