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pass array names as parameter in class method

 // My code is doing something; difficult to get.. still a concept can be grasped. //I am having my method (searchCity) in class graph. this method is called from main //class and is yes... selecting one array by charachter it is passed with public class graph { int a = 1000; int flag = 0; //array of all cities having elements as connection to other cities public graph(){ char [] i = {'i','v'}; char [] v = {'v','u'}; char [] u = {'u','b','h'}; char [] b = {'b','p','f','u'}; char [] h = {'h','u','e'}; char [] e = {'e','h'}; char [] p = {'p','b','r','c'}; char [] c = {'c','p'}; char [] r = {'r','s','p'}; char [] s = {'s','f','r'}; char [] f = {'f','s','b'}; } public void searchCity( char i, char j){ // check for equal array as parameter i (include must ) for (int z = 0 ; z < i.length; z ++) { if (i[z] == 'j') { int ascii = (int) 'j'; int flag = 1; System.out.println(ascii); } else { // checking for smallest cost in the complete array int ascii = (int) i[z]; if(a>ascii) a=ascii; else continue; } } if (flag==0){ char b = (char) a; char [] c = {'b'}; } searchCity(c, j); } 

I have a class with many arrays named in alphabets like char [] a, char [] b etc. I also have a method in class. In main class I have created an object and if i need to pass two alphabets which will be like reference for calling only those arrays whose name are passed. like my line of code in main class is as follows: object.function(char1, char2); these characters will be alphabets(a,b,c etc) can it be done ?? how ?? please help. I searched it but exact problem is not answered.. Regards

If you are asking how to pass char arrays to a function, all you need to do is set up your function as follows:

public static void MyFunction(char[] a, char[] b) {
    //do stuff to char arrays

Then when you call the function, you will be able to pass them in with:

char[] a = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
char[] b = {'d', 'e', 'f'};
MyObject.MyFunction(a, b);

It would be helpful if you posted your current code so I can tell exactly what it is you're trying to do, though.


If you want to be able to call the arrays with a char, I'd suggest containing them in a HashMap:

Map<Character, Character[]> graph = new HashMap<Character, Character[]>();
graph.put('i', new Character[] {'i', 'v'});
graph.put('v', new Character[] {'v', 'u'});
graph.put('u', new Character[] {'u', 'b', 'h'});
// etc.

Then you can call the arrays as follows:

System.out.println(graph.get('i')[0]); // Prints 'i'
System.out.println(graph.get('i')[1]); // Prints 'v'
System.out.println(graph.get('i').length); // Prints '2'

So a function could be something like this:

public static void MyFunction(char a, char b) {
    graph.get(a)[0]; // grab first character in array
    for (int i=0; i<graph.get(b).length; i++) { 
        // recursively go through array with graph.get(b)[i]

Demonstration Here

Hope this helps.

I found your question kind of confusing, so if I am way off, please tell me.

However, what I think your trying to do is is call a char array with a character. For instance calling the char array c with the character 'a'. You can do this with if conditionals of switches. Also, what does your object.function(char1, char2) actually do? That would help me out in answering you question.

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