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fill column with last value from partition in postgresql

I'm trying to return the last value of a partition and apply it to the rest of the column

For example, if I have the below...

ID    Date      Status
1     20150101
1     20150201
1     20150301
1     20150401  void
2     20150101
2     20150201
2     20150301 

I want to return this.

ID    Date      Status
1     20150101   void
1     20150201   void
1     20150301   void
1     20150401   void
2     20150101
2     20150201
2     20150301  

I've been playing around with the below and similar to no avail.

case when status is null then last_value(status ignore nulls) 
over (partition by id order by id, date) else status end as status
from table

Any help would be appreciated.

You don't need the CASE statement:

SELECT id, date, last_value(status) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY date) AS stat
FROM table;

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