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return view() for all actions in controller .net mvc

I have one controller HomeController.cs .

In this controller I have some actions like about,contact etc.

If I want that will work I have to defined function to each view:

public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult About()
        return View();

I want that for all the requests to the controller it will be return the View() , so I will not have to defined a function to each view.

*Update I want to know if there is some handler that will work something like this:

protected override void OnActionCall()
        return View();

WARNING: I would strongly advise against this as it pretty much defeats the purpose of using MVC but...

You could create a general action that will find the view for you:

public ViewResult Page(string urlSlug)
    if (!this.ViewExists(urlSlug))
        throw new HttpException(404, "Page not found");

    return this.View(urlSlug);

private bool ViewExists(string name)
    ViewEngineResult result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, name, null);
    return (result.View != null);

You will need to edit your RouteConfig though:

            name: "Home_Page",
            url: "{urlSlug}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Page" },
            constraints: new { urlSlug = @"[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,50}" }

Now if you look for /about it will look for that view. You will run into problems when you want to use Model data though. I think the time spent asking this question and implementing this solution would take a lot longer than simply having return View()

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