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PrincipalContextSearcher not returning correct results on extended principal type

I'm having an issue where if I try extend the UserPrincipal class the PrincipalContextSearcher does not return the correct results when using the extended class as the query filter.

So, for example, If I create the following minimal extension of UserPrincipal

public class UserPrincipalExtended : UserPrincipal
    public UserPrincipalExtended(PrincipalContext context) : base(context) { }
    public UserPrincipalExtended(PrincipalContext context, string samAccountName, string password, bool enabled) : base(context, samAccountName, password, enabled) { }

If I search using a (non-extended) UserPrincipal, like follows:

    using (var searchCritera = new UserPrincipal(context))
        searchCritera.SamAccountName = searchTerm;
        using (var searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(searchCritera))
            foreach (var principal in searcher.FindAll())
                ... do stuff

It will correctly return only user accounts. But if I use UserPrincipalExtended instead of the UserPrincipal , it returns matches to computers and all kinds of other things which is not the behavior I want. All I want to do is be able to add a few additional properties to retrieve in the UserPrincipal but simply extending the class before adding anything into it seems to change the filtering behavior.

What am I missing and how do I get PrincipalSearcher using an extended UserPrincipal ?

Digging a bit as to what was going on I looked at the DirectorySearcher used under the covers of PrincipalSearcher to see what the difference was.


when using UserPrincipal as the queryfilter the filter looks like:

    Filter: "(&(objectCategory=user)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=*searchTermWithWildcards*))"  string

when using UserPrincipalExtended as the queryfilter the filter looks like:

    Filter:  "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=*searchTermWithWildcards*))"    string

It's missing the objectCategory

I resorted to the following deplorable hack to get it working but I would prefer a better way to specify the objectCategory

#region *UGLY CODE WARNING* Don't look in here....
// When building the underlying DirectorySearcher filter the DirectoryObjectClass value is inserted in as: (objectClass={value})
// The following injection will result in : (objectClass=user)(objectCategory=user)

public class UserPrincipalExtended : UserPrincipal
    public UserPrincipalExtended(PrincipalContext context) : base(context) { }
    public UserPrincipalExtended(PrincipalContext context, string samAccountName, string password, bool enabled)
        : base(context, samAccountName, password, enabled) { }

It's possible to replace the AdvancedSearchFilter property (using new not override , because the original property is read-only) and add your very own CustomAdvancedFilter with any custom filter you want using AdvancedFilterSet .

public class UserPrincipalExtended : UserPrincipal
    public UserPrincipalExtended(PrincipalContext context) : base(context) {
        AdvancedSearchFilter = new CustomAdvancedFilter(this);
    public UserPrincipalExtended(PrincipalContext context, string samAccountName, string password, bool enabled) : base(context, samAccountName, password, enabled)
        AdvancedSearchFilter = new CustomAdvancedFilter(this);

    public new AdvancedFilters AdvancedSearchFilter { get; set; }

public class CustomAdvancedFilter : AdvancedFilters
    public CustomAdvancedFilter(Principal principal) : base(principal)
        AdvancedFilterSet("objectCategory", "user", typeof(string), MatchType.Equals);

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