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Compare two arrays get unique values javascript

So I have an object array called Banker and i have an array called remove_banker_id,

so in my code remove_banker_id = [11, 99]. My banker object banker.id has 11 and 99 and i dont want to include them in my third array so how do i do tht?

My current code has this in my javascript file

   $.each(data, function( index, banker ) {
      $.each(lender_banker_id_array, function(index, banker_id) {
        if(parseInt(banker_id) !== banker.id) {
             .append($('<option>', {value: banker.id, html: banker.name }))

So basically if any lender_banker_id_array is in banker object, do not append it. But with this code it is not working properly. How do i solve this

Try using the jquery utility function $.inArray()


It returns the index of a value in an array. It returns -1 if the array does not contain the value.

$.each(data, function( index, banker ) {
    if($.inArray(banker.id, lender_banker_id_array) == -1) {
        banker_object.append($('<option>', {
           value: banker.id, 
           html: banker.name 

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