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Forcing a URL field to not have “http://www.” using regex

I need to validate a URL field for an input field that deals with a finicky API that will accept URL strings in a very certain format - no www's and no http's attached to the start of the string, or it breaks. A javascript handler grabs the data from the validation.php file. I have everything working except for one field.

So, for example I want




to pass validation, but I want




and any variation including any derivation of http:// or www. to not validate.

The regex I have below currently allows any type of URL including http and www. I want it to ONLY allow the above type of URL string, but not sure how to go about this.

    if ($formfield == "api_url") {
        if (!preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i", $value)) {
            echo "Please enter your URL without the http://www part attached" 
        } else {
            echo "<span>Valid</span>";


Any ideas?

You can use this simple negative lookahead based regex in preg_match :


RegEx Demo


if(!preg_match('/^((http|ftp)s?:\/\/)?(www\.).+?/', $value))

You can do it with .htaccess mod rewrite rule. But in your case it looks like you need to validate a input field so it doesn't apply to all cases. Here is function which will allow/dis-allow such protocols in the url.

function remove_protocol($url) {
   $filter_protocol = array('http://', 'https://', 'http://www');
   foreach($filter_protocol as $d) {
      if(strpos($url, $d) === 0) {
         return str_replace($d, '', $url);
   return $url;

in the $filter_protocol array you can keep on defining protocols not to allow in urls for instance ftp://

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