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Slicing vs Upcasting :: Is my understanding correct?

Let A be the base class and B be it's publicly derived class.

B b;


A a = b; 


A* p = &b; // p is a pointer variable of type A
A& r = b; // r is a reference variable of type A

Is this correct? Please share similar examples to illustrate the two concepts if possible.


Object slicing happens when a derived class object is assigned to a base class object, additional attributes of a derived class object are sliced off to form the base class object.

So yes, if you have a base class A

class A{
    int x;
    char y;

and a class B derived publically from A with some extra data members,

class B:public A{
    int z;

doing A a = b; will slice off 'z'.

Upcasting is conversion of pointer or reference of derived class type to pointer or reference of base class type, going up in the inheritance tree.

B objB;
A *objA = &objB;

Just to bring more light on this subject, you can convert a base-class pointer(reference) to a derived-class pointer (reference).It is called downcasting (opposite to upcasting).

B *objB = (B *) &A;

But there's no way you can assign a base class object to a derived class object.


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