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Clone an html element one too many times

I am attempting to clone an HTML <select> dropdown one to many times, given a json response.

The issue is that when I attempt to store the clone in a variable and display it on the screen all I see is the following:

[object Object]

I made a simple JSFIDDLE to help explain my issue.

Things to note:

The select dropdown is in a hidden div.

<div class="hidden">
    <select class="certList">

I am building a string using:

buildList += "<div....

I then append the list I build using the jQuery append function.


Lastly if there are any tips to how I should display the results better I am all ears. I was thinking on using an unordered list but wasn't sure how to.

Copy the html into your append string:

"<div class='col-4'>"+certList[0].outerHTML+"</div></div>";

As it stands your concatenating a string with the jQuery object (And object.ToString() is [object Object] )

append the element to the div

    var certList = $(".certList").clone();
    var buildList = "";
      $.each(res.data, function(i, data) { 
        buildList += "<div class='ti-row'>"+
            "<div class='col-4 center'>"+data +"</div>"+
            "<div class='col-4 right'>Select Certs : </div>"+
            "<div class='col-4 addSelect'></div></div>";
        var html = $(buildList);

Try using outerHTML

var certList = $(".certList")[0].outerHTML;

Updated Fiddle

Use .parent().html() instead of .clone()

clone returns object and you can't append object to string but html returns string that you can append

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