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How to split a sentence into two parts

How to split a sentence into two parts in JAVA? If there is the following

String sentence = "I love Java <=> I love Python"

How can I return I love Java and I love Python thus separately ignoring <=> ?

public void changeSentence(String line)
    String[] words = line.split(" ");

    for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++)


It can be done using the method given below of class String

METHOD: (public String[] split(String regex, int limit)
  • Regex: The String/Character you wish to remove & split remaining text
  • Limit: How many String that should be returned
public class TestSplit


    public static void main(String args[])
        String str = new String("I Love Java <=> I Love Python");

        for (String retval: str.split("<=> ",2))




I Love Java

I Love Python

There are some other facts I am aware about are listed below

  • If you won't specify limit by 'keeping it blank'/'specify 0' then the compiler will split string every time '<=>' is found eg
public class TestSplit


    public static void main(String args[])


        String str = new String("I Love Java <=> I Love Python <=> I Love Stackoverflow");
        for (String retval: str.split("<=> "))



I Love Java

I Love Python

I Love Stackoverflow

Why not do:

String[] words = line.split("<=>");
for(String word : words){


I love Java

I love Python

public String[] changeSentence(String line){
String[] substrings = line.split("<=>");
return substrings;

You can also split with StringTokenizer.

The code for splitting the strings based upon delimiter is below:

StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(sentence,"<=>");
        while(stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {

I hope this helps


How can I return I love Java and I love Python thus separately ignoring <=>?

First of all as you have said that you want your method to return separate words (Strings technically), for that you need change your return type from void to String[ ]

Second, you are using String[] words = line.split(" "); this will split the String where spaces appear which would yield you array of Strings containing


as different words stored as separate Strings in your words array.

so what you should do is Strings[] words=line.split("<=>"); and return words

Full code should be like this

public String[] changeSentence(String line)
    String[] words = line.split("<=>");
    return words;

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