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when is the handler for boost::asio::async_read_until invoked?

I'm a novice at boost.

I'm testing boost async client. the reference code is as below.


the code is well done if "Connection: close" header value exists. but, "handle_read_status_line" handler was never invoked when I omitted "Conneciton: close" header in the HTTP request. (all handler for receiving HTTP response are invoked only when TCP connection is closed.)

In my opinion, "handle_read_status_line" should be invoked because HTTP response always include "\\\\r\\\\n" regardless of "Connection" header.

Could anybody explain to me when the handler for async_read_until is invoked?

Thanks in advance.

In general, async_read_until returns when the MatchCondition has been met.

The sample assumes that the connection is per-request. It's pretty explicit in that:

  // Start reading remaining data until EOF.
  boost::asio::async_read(socket_, response_,
      boost::bind(&client::handle_read_content, this,

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