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How to take data backup using cassandra-snapshotter?

I have to take the data backup of my cassandra nodes and upload it to amazon AWS s3. When I execute the following command,

cassandra-snapshotter --aws-access-key-id=**** --aws-secret-access-key=**** --s3-bucket-name=inblox-exp-buck --s3-bucket-region=ap-southeast-2 --s3-base-path=test1 backup --hosts=, --user=ubuntu

I get the following error,

[] Executing task 'node_start_backup'
[] Executing task 'node_start_backup'

Fatal error: Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Fatal error: Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Fatal error: One or more hosts failed while executing task 'node_start_backup'

[] Executing task 'clear_node_snapshot'
[] Executing task 'clear_node_snapshot'
[] sudo: /usr/bin/nodetool clearsnapshot -t "20150416144918"
[] sudo: /usr/bin/nodetool clearsnapshot -t "20150416144918"

Fatal error: Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Fatal error: Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Needed to prompt for a connection or sudo password (host:, but input would be ambiguous in parallel mode

Fatal error: One or more hosts failed while executing task 'clear_node_snapshot'

One or more hosts failed while executing task 'clear_node_snapshot'

What is happening here? How do I fix this problem ?

Cassandra-snapshotter does ssh to the host, so make sure you have your 'ubuntu' user's rsa-pub key listed in .ssh/authorized-keys file. Optionally, you can turn-off ssh option in code.

Only if the password is required to access the hosts, same problem I found and I solved it by passing password as well

for help:

$cassandra-snapshotter backup -h

in your command should be like

 cassandra-snapshotter --aws-access-key-id=**** --aws-secret-access-key=**** --s3-bucket-name=inblox-exp-buck --s3-bucket-region=ap-southeast-2 --s3-base-path=test1 backup --hosts=xx.xx.xx.xx,xx.xx.xx.xx --user=ubuntu --password=*****

I am able to take backup.


  • 3 Node cluster
  • Separate machine that runs backup command
  • All are aws ec2 machines.

I have used below command.

cassandra-snapshotter --s3-bucket-name=BUCKET_NAME \
--s3-bucket-region=us-east-1 \
--s3-base-path=CLUSTER_BACKUP \
--aws-access-key-id=KEY \
--aws-secret-access-key=SECRET \
 backup \

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