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Different object's type in VB.net and C#

I have 2 codes in vb.net and C# ( I think they are identical ) :


class ChildClass
{ }

class MyClass
    public ICollection<ChildClass> Children { get; set; }

public MyClass()
    Children = new HashSet<ChildClass>() { new ChildClass() };

T e1<T>(T entity)
    where T : class, new()
T copy = new T();
return copy;

void Test()
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
dynamic children = typeof(MyClass).GetProperty("Children").GetValue(myClass);
dynamic child = Enumerable.ElementAt(children, 0);
dynamic copy = e1(child);


Public Class ChildClass
End Class

Public Class MyClass
    Public Property Children As ICollection(Of ChildClass) = New HashSet(Of ChildClass)
End Class

Public Function e1(Of T As {Class, New})(entity As T) As T
    Dim clone As New T()
    Return clone
End Function

Sub Main()
    Dim someClass = New MyClass
    someClass.Children.Add(New ChildClass)

    Dim el = Enumerable.ElementAt(CallByName(someClass, "Children", CallType.Get), 0
    Dim el3 = CTypeDynamic(el, GetType(ChildClass))
    Dim copy = e1(el3)
End Sub

Now the last line of each code ( where the E1 function is used ) is producing a different object type :

in c# ---- the copy has ChildClass type

in vb.net .... the copy has Object type

What should I do in order that the vb.net code to produce a ChildClass type object ?

Thank you !

The problem is that the dynamic type in C# tries to mimic the behaviour of the value if the compiler knew its type. Therefore, passing it to a method infers the type arguments from its type at run-time. VB.NET doesn't do such things, el3 is of type Object . One way you can solve it is to remove the generic parameters:

Public Function e1(entity As Object) As Object
    Dim clone = Activator.CreateInstance(entity.GetType())
    Return clone
End Function

I know that you have already accepted an answer, but, for completeness, I'd still like to answer your question "How can I do this in VB.NET" ?

The reason for the behaviour is that generics are a compile-time feature . At compile-type, the type of el3 is Object , so T is resolved as Object . The same would happen if you declared child as object in C#.

Since VB.NET does not have a dedicated late-binding type ( Object serves as both a regular type as well as a late-binding type if Option Strict is Off), you will have to resort to reflection for run-time generics resolution. Basically, you can replace

Dim copy = e1(el3)


Dim copy = Me.GetType().GetMethod("e1").MakeGenericMethod(el3.GetType()).Invoke(Me, {el3})

which yields the same result as your C# code.

Side note: This is actually how dynamic dispatch was commonly done in C# before the introduction of the dynamic keyword.

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