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How to check whether the installed instance is full SQL Server or just SQL Server Express

In one of my project, first I need to check whether SQL Server is installed on the machine or not. I am doing this with the code shown here:

 var sqlRegistry = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server", true);

 if (sqlRegistry == null) 
 { }
 { }

But in the else part, I need to know whether the installed SQL Server is "only" SQL Server Express, or a full SQL Server edition.

How will I go for this?

SQL-Server似乎有一个内置函数SERVERPROPERTY ,因此您应该能够通过SQL查询服务器,如:


You can look at the installed instances in the registry key:

Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\InstalledInstances

This will contain all the installed instances, eg on my system:


Go into this registry key with this value:

Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL

to get the actual instance name that you need in the next step.

Now if you go look at the registry key:

Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\(InstanceName)\Setup\Edition

there you have a value of eg Express for a SQL Server Express, or Developer Edition or something else. That should tell you if you have Express or another, "full" edition of SQL Server

Here some code that get installed MS SQL Server Editions on server to console based on @marc_s answer:

//This line open Registry with x64 View from x86 process. Usually SQL server installed in x64 edition, otherwise you should check x86
var localMachine = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64);
var msSQLServer = localMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server");
var instances = (string[])msSQLServer.GetValue("InstalledInstances");

foreach (var instance in instances)
    var insNames = localMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL");
    var realNameInstanse = (string)insNames.GetValue(instance);
    var sqlEditionRegistry = localMachine.OpenSubKey(string.Format(@"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\{0}\Setup", realNameInstanse));
    var edition = (string)sqlEditionRegistry.GetValue("Edition");
    Console.WriteLine("Instance {0}, RealName {2}, - Edition: {1}", instance, edition, realNameInstanse);

Here is edition list based on list at the end of this article :

  • Standard Edition

  • 64-bit Edition

  • Express Edition

  • Developer Edition

  • Enterprise Edition

  • Workgroup Edition

  • Standard

  • Analysis Services

  • Developer

  • Enterprise

  • Enterprise Evaluation

  • Express

  • Express with Advanced Services

  • Integration Services

  • Datacenter

  • Reporting Services

  • Standard Edition for Small Business

  • Web

  • Workgroup

  • Business Intelligence

  • Enterprise Core

To check sql server version, you can query for @@version .

execute select @@version

The output consists of:

  1. SQL server version
  2. SQL server edition
  3. Latest patch installed
  4. Computer's processor (32 bit or 64 bit)

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