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Convert Java class to vector - Clojure

I am new to clojure and functional programming and I need to convert Java class org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealMatrix to clojure vector.

How Is it possible to do that?

If you want to keep two dimensional matrix, just below code is fine :)

(mapv #(vec (.getRow matrix %))
        (range (.getRowDimension matrix)))

It's hard to give a direct answer because converting from two dimensional matrix to a one dimensional vector involves . If we choose left to right top to bottom one approach would look something like this:

(->> (for [r (range 0 (.getRowDimension matrix))]
       (vec (.getRow matrix r)))                 
     vec)       ;; this step is optional

Or if you only have one row then you could just call (vec (.getRow matrix 0))

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