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Cannot convert varchar value to int in stored procedure in SQL Server

I have this stored procedure

create procedure [dbo].[CreateNewTicket]
    (@Practice_Id as varchar(40),
  /* insert some rows into TICKET table */
As Begin
   DECLARE @prctid as int

   SELECT @prctid = 'select id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = ' + @Practice_Id + ';'

But whenever I am passing value from my C# to stored procedure it is throwing error.

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'select id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = Bankson PT- Daniel (DBA);' to data type int.

Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?

You have to set the selected value to integer variable in select statement.

Use the following code:-

SELECT @prctid = id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = @Practice_Id

try this

create procedure [dbo].[CreateNewTicket]
 @Practice_Id as varchar(40),
/* insert some rows into TICKET table */

As Begin
DECLARE @prctid as int
SELECT @prctid = id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = @Practice_Id;

As Jarvis put in his answer, you need to assign an INT to the variable @prctid . As your statement is posted, you're trying to assign a VARCHAR because of the single quotes:

'select id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = ' + @Practice_Id + ';'

This will result in a VARCHAR , hence the error.

What you're looking for is:

SELECT @prctid = select id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = @Practice_Id

No quotes.

The id field must of type varchar . That is why you are receiving this error.

You must either return an int value or make @prctid as varchar type to make sure you get a proper value.

Hope this helps.

thank you all. it's working like a charm..

i make the changes like

  DECLARE @prctid as int
  SELECT @prctid = id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = @Practice_Id

Try this

DECLARE @prctid as varchar(max)

SELECT @prctid = "select id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description =  '" + @Practice_Id + "';"

Missing single quote. Try this.

SELECT @prctid = 'select id from PRACTICE_DETAIL where Practice_Name_Description = ''' + @Practice_Id + ''';'

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