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how to pass a member function with args as an argument to another member function?

The following example works with passing a member function pointer with no arguments. Can someone explain me how to do this with arguments? If it is possible can we also pass variable number of arguments?

class test {
  typedef void (test::*check_fun_type)();
  //typedef void (test::*check_fun_type)(int);

  void mF1(check_fun_type ptr);
  void check1();
  void check2(int v1);

void test::check1() {
  std::cout << "check1" << std::endl;

void test::check2(int v1) {
  std::cout << "check2 " << v1 << std::endl;

void test::mF1(check_fun_type ptr) {

int main() {
  test t1;

No, you can only pass the arguments when calling it. Such as:

void test::mF1(check_fun_type ptr) {


You can use std::bind to invoke function with some of its parameters bound to arguments in advance, such as:

test t1;
auto f = std::bind(&test::check2, &t1, 2);

For your case, you need to change the parameter type of test::mF1 to std::function . Such as:

typedef std::function<void(test*)> check_fun_type;


void test::mF1(check_fun_type ptr) {

int main() {
    test t1;
    t1.mF1(std::bind(&test::check2, _1, 2));


In C++11 you could use

template <class F, class... Args>
void mFx(F ptr, Args... args)

to pass member function pointer of any type and variable number of arguments.
In C++98 similar functionality can be achieved by overloading methods for each number of arguments

template <class F>
void mFx(F ptr)

template <class F, class A1>
void mFx(F ptr, A1 a1)

template <class F, class A1, class A2>
void mFx(F ptr, A1 a1, A2 a2)
    (this->*ptr)(a1, a2);

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