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Cannot refer to the non-final local variable jSONString defined in an enclosing scope

I am trying to pass JSON string to the server after 60 seconds. At the moment I am facing problem when I try to execute MyAsyncTask from an thread; jSONString is not accessable at this line new MyAsyncTask().execute(jSONString); and I am getting this error Cannot refer to the non-final local variable jSONString defined in an enclosing scope

This part of code is being called from the onLocationChanged method in the inner class of the MainActivity :

String jSONString = convertToJSON(pLong, pLat, formatted);
PostData sender = new PostData();

PostData class:

public class PostData {
    String jSONString;
    Handler handler = new Handler();

    public PostData() {

    public String getjSONString() {
        return jSONString;

    public void setjSONString(String jSONString) {
        this.jSONString = jSONString;

    public void timer(String jSONString) {
        this.jSONString = jSONString;

        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                boolean run = true;
                while (run) {
                   handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                       public void run() {
                           new MyAsyncTask().execute(jSONString); //How can I access this variable'jSONString' here?
                   }, 5000);

    class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, Void> {

        protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
            System.out.println("The output of : doInBackground " +params[0]);
            //the connection code.

            return null;

使用在jSONString中声明的PostData当前尝试访问不是final timer方法参数:

new MyAsyncTask().execute(PostData.this.jSONString);

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