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Searching for a partial match in a list of tuples

If we have a list of tuples:


How can I find all items which partially match a search term?

Eg, in the above example, (_, 1) should match (0, 1) and (4, 1) .

You can implement wild-card matching by using a special object that always compares as equal to any other object. Eg

#!/usr/bin/env python

class Any:
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Any'

ANY = Any()

if 1:
    print ANY
    for v in [1,2,'a', 'b', (2,3,4), None]:
        print v, v == ANY

def match(target, data):
    ''' Check that sequence data matches sequence target '''
    return len(data) == len(target) and all(u==v for u, v in zip(target, data))

data_list = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (5, 5), (4, 1)]
target = (ANY, 1)
print [v for v in data_list if match(target, v)]


1 True
2 True
a True
b True
(2, 3, 4) True
None True

[(0, 1), (4, 1)]

Here's a better version with a fancier Any class, thanks to Antti Haapala . It prints the same output as the code above.

#!/usr/bin/env python

class AnyBase(type):
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Any'

    def __subclasscheck__(cls, other):
        return True

    def __instancecheck__(cls, other):
        return True

class Any(object):
    __metaclass__ = AnyBase

    def __init__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("How'd you instantiate Any?")

if 1:
    print Any
    for v in [1,2,'a', 'b', (2,3,4), None]:
        print v, v == Any

def match(target, data):
    ''' Check that sequence data matches sequence target '''
    return len(data) == len(target) and all(u==v for u, v in zip(target, data))

data_list = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (5, 5), (4, 1)]
target = (Any, 1)
print [v for v in data_list if match(target, v)]

To use the first version we really should create an instance of the class, but the Any class in the second version is designed to be used directly. Also, the second version shows how to handle isinstance & subclass checks; depending on context you may wish to restrict those tests.

new_list = [i for i in old_list if i[1] == 1]

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