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Insert with Entity Framework with SQL Compact 3.5

I dont know why my sql request does not insert on database.

I think the db.Create(pers) does works.

private void SaveInsertAnim(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (var db = new DJURINGA_DIRECTOREntities())
        PERSONNE pers = new PERSONNE();

        pers.NOM = textBox1.Text;
        pers.PRENOM = textBox2.Text;
        pers.ADRESSE = textBox9.Text;
        pers.CODEPORTE = textBox3.Text;
        pers.EMAIL = textBox4.Text;
        pers.TELEPHONE = textBox5.Text;
        pers.NUMSECU = textBox6.Text;
        pers.DATENAISSANCE = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker2.Text); 
        pers.LIEUNAISSANCE = textBox8.Text;
        pers.DATEDEBUTSEJOUR = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker1.Text);
        if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comboBox2.Text)) pers.NOMBRESEMAINETRAVAILLE = int.Parse(comboBox2.Text);
        pers.REDUCTIONSNCF = textBox10.Text;
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comboBox1.Text)) pers.NOMBREJOURPRECAMP = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text);



My Functions Create() :

public static T Create(this ObjectContext context, T objetToCreate, bool save = false) where T : EntityObject { try { var type = context.GetSetBase(typeof(T));

            if (context.GetKeyName<T>().Count == 1)

            context.AddObject(type.Name, objetToCreate);
            if (save) context.SaveChanges();
            return objetToCreate;
        catch (Exception ex)
        { throw ex; }

Do you have any ideas ?

i have no error, but nothing works ..

Look for a copy of the database file in your bin/debug folder. Possible solutions: specify a full path to the database file in your connectionstring. Do not include the database file a content in your project

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