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Regex search and replace substring in Python

I need some help with a regular expression in python.

I have a string like this:

>>> s = '[i1]scale=-2:givenHeight_1[o1];'

How can I remove givenHeight_1 and turn the string to this?

>>> '[i1]scale=-2:360[o1];' 

Is there an efficient one-liner regex for such a job?

UPDATE 1: my regex so far is something like this but currently not working:

re.sub('givenHeight_1[o1]', '360[o1]', s)

You can use positive look around with re.sub :

>>> s = '[i1]scale=-2:givenHeight_1[o1];'
>>> re.sub(r'(?<=:).*(?=\[)','360',s)

The preceding regex will replace any thing that came after : and before [ with an '360' .

Or based on your need you can use str.replace directly :

>>> s.replace('givenHeight_1','360')

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