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Find Method Returning False

I am trying to execute a find in my script, but I believe my condition is returning false. I am trying to execute a find and pull all records that match the given value in my $data variable. I have tried to compare the BranchLicense.RegionCode to $data but no luck. I have also tried to compare it the _Session['Auth']['User']['region_code'] . The $data variable is returning the correct value but the script does not return the proper records. What am I doing wrong here? Here is my code.

//echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION); echo '</pre>';

$data = $_SESSION['Auth']['User']['region_code'];

//$data = $this->Users->find('all');

$new = $this->BranchLicense->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('BranchLicense.RegionCode' == $data)));

$this->layout = 'default';

//$this->set('branchLicenses', $this->BranchLicense->find('all', array(
//'conditions' => array('BranchLicense.RegionCode' === '$data'))));

Try as follows-

   $new = $this->BranchLicense->find('all', array(
    'conditions' => array('BranchLicense.RegionCode' => $data)));

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