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Why is my method returning false?

I am trying to create an instance of a class "announcement".

For example:

$announcement = new announcement;
//code to bind data

My store function runs a query to store the information to the database. Everything is working as intended and storing to my database. However when I say:

    echo 'success';
    echo 'failure';

I get the 'failure' message. Why is my method returning false when it is actually working? Am I missing something with conditional statements and methods?

UPDATE My store function was not returning anything. So even though it worked it was returning a null value. I return true on query success and now it is working as intended. Thank you.

The store function should return true then your statement will print success message

class announcement {
    public function store() {
        // after execution code the return value should be like this
        return true;

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