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Resource query parameter validation on jersey-dropwizard

I have a dropwizard application and in one resource i would like to have a required query parameter. I know jersey supports bean validation so i tried to use @NotNull annotation but it didn't work. Here's the code to resource:

public class MyResource {

    public String test(
        @PathParam("id") long id,
        @NotNull @QueryParam("required_param") long param) {

In case it isn't clear, what i want to happen is whenever the client sends a request without the parameter required_param i want to return an error.

After reading the docs i thought maybe dropwizard's configuration would be the reason. So i added this piece of code into my application's run method:

environment.jersey().property("jersey.config.disableAutoDiscovery", false);
environment.jersey().property("jersey.config.server.disableAutoDiscovery", false);
environment.jersey().property("jersey.config.beanValidation.disable.server", false);

Unfortunately this didn't work either. Anyone has an idea on how to do this?


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