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Trouble calculating the sum of a column (type Number) from Parse.com localDatastore?


Hi, Could someone please help me with parse.com querying and calculating. I want to calculate the total sum of a column (DEBT) in parse.com from my localDatastore, or from web if first option is not possible. I have tried storing the elements in an array-list but without success. So how do I do that?

Thanks in advance ;)

Parse does not support SUM queries. Here is the official statement .

Anyway, you need to use cloud code or to get all rows to achieve what you want (sadly) client-side.


On client-side, make a ParseQuery.findInBackground() request and go through all items, adding values to make the SUM client-side.

new ParseQuery<Whatever>("WHATEVER")
    .findInBackground(new FindCallback<Whatever>() {
        public void done(List<Whatever> list, ParseException e) {
            // check for ParseException
            Integer sum = 0;
            for (final Whatever whatever : list) {
                sum += (Integer) whatever.get("Debt");
            // there is your SUM

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