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Left join with grouping via linq2db

I have the following tables

class Directory
    public long Id { get; set;}
    public string Path { get; set;}
    public IEnumerable<File> Files { get; set;}

class File
    public long Id { get; set;}
    public long DirectoryId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Directory Directory { get; set; }

How can i get directories grouped by id with appropriate files using left join and linq2db in one query?

I think it should be something like this

var query = from d in db.Direcories
            join f in db.Files on d.Id equals f.DirectoryId into items
            from i in items.DefaultIfEmpty()
            group i by new { d } into g
            select new { Directory = g.Key, Files = ????? };

 var result = query.ToList();

but i don't know how to get files from group

First of all, I strongly recommend to generate your data model classes using T4 templates, so take a look at this project: linq2db/t4models . I also recommend to look at the videos here: https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db/wiki .

After having my data model generated with T4, it will look something like this:

public partial class TestDb : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection
    public ITable<Directory>    Directories   { get { return this.GetTable<Directory>(); } }
    public ITable<File>         Files         { get { return this.GetTable<File>(); } }

[Table(Schema="dbo", Name="Directory")]
public partial class Directory
    [PrimaryKey, Identity] public int    ID   { get; set; } // int
    [Column,     NotNull ] public string Path { get; set; } // varchar(max)

    #region Associations

    /// <summary>
    /// FK_File_Directory_BackReference
    /// </summary>
    [Association(ThisKey="ID", OtherKey="DirectoryID", CanBeNull=true, IsBackReference=true)]
    public List<File> Files { get; set; }


[Table(Schema="dbo", Name="File")]
public partial class File
    [PrimaryKey, Identity] public int    ID          { get; set; } // int
    [Column,     NotNull ] public int    DirectoryID { get; set; } // int
    [Column,     NotNull ] public string Name        { get; set; } // varchar(max)

    #region Associations

    /// <summary>
    /// FK_File_Directory
    /// </summary>
    [Association(ThisKey="DirectoryID", OtherKey="ID", CanBeNull=false, KeyName="FK_File_Directory", BackReferenceName="Files")]
    public Directory Directory { get; set; }


Now there are several ways to load directories with their files. Here is a few:

[Test] // 1 query to load directories + separate queries to load files for each directory
public void Test()
    LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.AllowMultipleQuery = true;
    using(var db = new TestDb())
        var directoriesWithFiles = db.Directories.LoadWith(d => d.Files).ToList();

[Test] // same as above, but manually
public void Test2()
    using(var db = new TestDb())
        var directories = db.Directories.ToList();

        foreach (var d in directories)
            d.Files = db.Files.Where(f => f.DirectoryID == d.ID).ToList();

[Test] // if you want only 2 queries to the database
public void Test3()
    using (var db = new TestDb())
        var dict = new Dictionary<int, List<File>>();

        foreach(var file in db.Files)
                dict.Add(file.DirectoryID, new List<File> { file });

        var directories = db.Directories.ToList();

        foreach (var d in directories)
            List<File> files;
            d.Files = dict.TryGetValue(d.ID, out files) ? files : new List<File>();

Or you could just make a join, load everything in 1 query and then connect files to directories manually in memory. You could write your own extension method to simplify this.

The join syntax for Linq is pretty hard to wrap ones head around... I generally apply a little trick to only use the "items" variable you created as an intermediate result:

var query = from d in db.Direcories
        join f in db.Files on d.Id equals f.DirectoryId into items
        from f in items.DefaultIfEmpty()
        group f by d into g
        select new { Directory = g.Key, Files = g /* optionally add .ToList() or .ToEnumerable() */ };

var result = query.ToList();

Though I suspect that there are easier ways to accomplish what you're trying to do using db.Directories.Include(d => d.Files) or a similar construct if you have the right relational properties defined.

Have a try on this:

var query = from fileAndFolder in
                  from d in db.Directories
                  from f in db.Files.Where(ff => ff.DirectoryId == d.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                  select new { d, f }
            group fileAndFolder by fileAndFolder.d into g
            select new { DirectoryId = g.Key, Files = g };

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