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Grouping by just the date in Linq2DB

I am trying to generate an sql query using Linq2Db in C#. The query I want to generate is this:

   cast([t1].[StartTime] as date) as [StartTime1],
   Count(*) as [WebpageVisits],
   Sum([t1].[PageCount]) as [SumOfViewsOfPages]
                 [myserver].[dbo].[TrackData] [t1]
   GROUP BY cast([t1].[StartTime] as date)

The Linq code I am trying to use is this:

var query = from table in dataContext.TrackData(tablePath)
                        group table by new { table.StartTime.Date } into grp
                        select new { day = grp.Key.Date, numVisitors = grp.Count(), totalPageViews = grp.Sum(table2 => table2.PageCount)};

The query returned is

    --  SqlServer.2008
    Count(*) as [c1],
    Sum([t1].[PageCount]) as [c2]
    [myserver].[dbo].[TrackData] [t1]
    Convert(Date, [t1].[StartTime]),

Why is that extra [t1].[StartTime] appearing there? This is causing the result to NOT be grouped based on date. How do I generate the SQL query I am trying to generate using Linq?

Try to group removing the anonymous type:

group table by table.StartTime.Date into grp

You should use an anonymous type in case you want to group by more than one column. I tried you query in LinqPad and I couldn't simulate the same behavior, but that is the principle you should follow in the future

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