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Java Gui communication with serial port

I have Class, that receive and send information from serial port:

public class Terminal implements Runnable
    static LinkedList<String> receiver = new LinkedList<String>();
    public Terminal()
    public String getReceivedMessage()
        String data = receivedMessfges.removeFirst();
        return data;
    // Other function that perform connection to COM port
    // ...

Also I have Swing based gui class:

public class Gui extends JFrame
// Functions that display information, received from COM port

What is the right method of delivering information from Terminal to Gui using third class:

public class Monitor
    static Gui gui;
    static terminal terminal;
    public static void main(String args[])
        monitor = new Monitor();
    public Monitor()
        gui = new Gui();
        terminal = new Terminal();
    // Functions, that get information COM port
    // using getReceivedMessage() function
    // and display it on Gui


I would use the Monitor class to communicate between Gui and Terminal .

If receivedMessfges.removeFirst(); doesn't return until it has received a complete message that should be displayed in the gui, you could just do this:

Thread messageChecker = new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        while (!Thread.isInterrupted()) {
            String message = terminal.getReceivedMessage();
            // Prepare message for gui display
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

somewhere inside the Monitor class.

The code does the following:

  • create a new Runnable (anonymous class)
    • With a run() method in which we
      • check if the thread has been interrupted
      • if it has, stop
      • if it hasn't, wait until we have a new message from the and send it to the gui.
  • create a new Thread set to execute the run() method of our new Runnable
  • start this Thread.
  • Assign a reference to the Thread to the variable messageChecker .

To stop the Thread, simply call messageChecker.interrupt(); .

If, on the other hand, terminal.getReceivedMessage(); return only partial messages, ie what has been received up until we call it, I think the best approach would be to use the Observer pattern.

  • make the terminal class implement the interface Observable
  • make the Monitor class implement the interface Observer

Then, you need to write code to notify the observers of a complete message as soon as the terminal class has one. I would suggest to have a Thread internal to the Terminal class checking periodically for new data. As soon as it has a complete message, it should call notifyObservers(message) (with message obviously being a variable of type String containing the complete message).

In the Monitor class, you have to have an update(Observable o, Object arg) method to satisfy the Observer interface:

// In the Monitor class
void update(Observable terminal, Object message) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        gui.methodToDisplayTheReceivedMessage((String)message); // This cast is safe, since we only ever call notifyObservers() with a string argument.

Last but not least, you need to call terminal.addObserver(this); from the Monitor class (from the constructor, probably), otherwise notifyObservers() will notify all your 0 observers and nothing happens.

Googling for the "java observer pattern" yields lots of useful resources and examples, in case you want to know more about it.


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