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realloc array of pointers

This is part of my program. parameters.path is a string that contains a path to the file I will be working with, but that is not in this code.

typedef struct directory {

   char *name;
   char *path;

} directory;

void insertDir(directory*** array , char * path, char* name, int* length) {

    directory *p = malloc(sizeof(directory));

    p->path = malloc(strlen(path)+ 1);
    strcpy(p->path, path);

    p->name = malloc(strlen(name)+ 1);
    strcpy(p->name, name);

    *array = (directory**) realloc( *array , (*length) * (sizeof(directory*)));
    *array[(*length)] = p;


int main(int argc , char** argv) {

    directory** array = NULL;

    int lenght = 0;

    while(true) {
        insertDir(&array, parameters.path, name , &lenght);

    return 0;

It fails on the third realloc with segmentation fault. Can you help me please?

When doing the realloc() , you need to add 1 to the length, because you haven't incremented it yet.

*array = realloc( *array , (*length + 1) * (sizeof(directory*)));

You also need to change:

*array[(*length)] = p;


(*array)[*length] = p;

because the subscripting operator has higher precedence than the dereference operator. See the C operator precedence table here . There's also no need for parentheses inside [] .

In addition to the (*array)[*length] indexing issue, you leave yourself wide open for several allocation failures with both malloc and realloc . First, and generally, always validate that your allocation succeeds. Enough said.

Next, with realloc , it is always better to reallocate using a temporary variable instead of your array. If there is a failure on reallocation, realloc returns NULL causing you to lose the address to array completely. This will cause the loss of all existing data. Instead, if you use a tmp pointer for reallocation, you have the ability to handle the failure in a graceful manner, and the ability to free the block of memory originally assigned to array .

Here is a bit more robust way to handle the allocations/reallocations. Note: you are left to code the response to a reallocation failure:

void insertDir (directory*** array, char *path, char *name, int *length)

    directory *p = malloc (sizeof *p);
    if (!p) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: virtual memory exhausted.\n");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    p->path = malloc (strlen (path) + 1);
    strcpy (p->path, path);

    p->name = malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
    strcpy(p->name, name);

    directory **tmp = realloc (*array, (*length + 1) * sizeof *tmp);
    if (!tmp) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: struct reallocation failure.\n");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    *array = tmp;
    (*array)[*length] = p;


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