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accessing Json key-value pair for angularjs controller using services

I have been trying to use data from my service for a chart in my angularjs controller.I have made a service in service.js which i am using in my controller.All i get is the Object array,but when i try to access values inside the Object array ,it throws errors for each approach i use .Following is what i am doing

 My Service 

  var demoService= angular.module('demoService',[])
  var deferred = $q.defer();
    return deferred.promise;

My Controller

 angular.module("app.controllers", [])
.controller("gaugeCtrl", ["$scope","config","myService",
function ($scope,config,myService) {
var promise=myService.getPlayers();
     ($scope.players.Tweets).each(function(index, element) {
    return $scope.gaugeHome = {
      gaugeData: {
        maxValue: 9000,
        animationSpeed: 100,
        val: 1000

      gaugeOptions: {
        lines: 12,
        angle: 0,
        lineWidth: 0.47,
        pointer: {
          length: 0.6,
          strokeWidth: 0.03,
          color: "#555555"
        limitMax: "false",
        colorStart: config.secondary_color,
        colorStop: config.secondary_color,
        strokeColor: "#F5F5F5",
        generateGradient: !0,
        percentColors: [
          [0, config.secondary_color],
          [1, config.secondary_color]

I have also included the service Module in my app.js :

   var app = angular.module("app",["demoService"])

How can i access a particular value for my gaugectrl properly .Is following a wrong way to access it ?

 ($scope.players.Tweets).each(function(index, element) {

Thanks in Advance

Looks like everything is working. It seems like you are trying to access the objects in the array incorrectly.

I think you want to use Array.forEach

someArray.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
   // Do stuff here.

I made a simplified version of your code:

 var app = angular.module('app', []); app.controller('myController', function($scope, $q, $http) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.get('http://enlytica.com/RSLivee/rest/census').then(function(data) { deferred.resolve(data); }); var promise = deferred.promise; promise.then(function(data) { var tweets = []; var total = 0; $scope.players = data.data; ($scope.players.Tweets).forEach(function(element) { console.log(element); tweets.push({FAVOURITE_COUNT: element. FAVOURITE_COUNT, TWEET_ID: element.TWEET_ID}); total += element.FAVOURITE_COUNT; }); $scope.something.tweets = JSON.stringify(tweets, null, 2); $scope.something.favoriteTotal = total; }); $scope.something = {}; }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.15/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app='app' ng-controller='myController'> {{ something.favoriteTotal }} <pre>{{ something.tweets }}</pre> </div> 

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