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Concatenate form element name with coldfusion counting variable

I'm trying to access individual form elements within a cfquery tag using the form.elementName + countingVariable. Can someone tell me what the syntax is to do this properly.

<select name="SetID0">

<cfqueryparam value="#"form.SetID & #i#"#" CFSQLType="CF_SQL_CHAR">,

I know there may be a better way of doing this like creating a list and I'm open to those suggestions but I'd like to know if what I'm trying to do now is possible.


<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" value="#form['setID' & i]#">

First change the pull-down menus

<select name="SetID" multiple>

There are UI widgets that make this type of pulldown menu very clean. Consider Select2

Then change the query

   fieldname IN  (
     <cfqueryparam value="#form.SetID#" CFSQLType="CF_SQL_CHAR" list="yes">

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