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How to free memory in C# that is allocated in C++

I have a C++ dll which is reading video frames from a camera. These frames get allocated in the DLL returned via pointer to the caller (a C# program).

When C# is done with a particular frame of video, it needs to clean it up. The DLL interface and memory management is wrapped in a disposable class in C# so its easier to control things. However, it seems like the memory doesn't get freed/released. The memory footprint of my process grows and grows and in less than a minute, I get allocation errors in the C++ DLL as there isn't any memory left.

The video frames are a bit over 9 MB each. There is a lot of code, so I'll simply provide the allocation/deallocations/types/etc.

First : Allocation in C++ of raw buffer for the camera bytes.

dst = new unsigned char[mFrameLengthInBytes];

Second : transfer from the raw pointer back to across the DLL boundary as an unsigned char * and into an IntPtr in C#

IntPtr pFrame = VideoSource_GetFrame(mCamera, ImageFormat.BAYER);
return new VideoFrame(pFrame, .... );

So now the IntPtr is passed into the CTOR of the VideoFrame class. Inside the CTOR the IntPtr is copied to an internal member of the class as follows :

IntPtr dataPtr;
public VideoFrame(IntPtr pDataToCopy, ...)
    this.dataPtr = pDataToCopy;

My understanding is that is a shallow copy and the class now references the original data buffer. The frame is used/processed/etc. Later, the VideoFrame class is disposed and the following is used to clean up the memory.


I suspect the problem is that... dataPtr is an IntPtr and C# has no way to know that the underlying buffer is actually 9 MB, right? Is there a way to tell it how much memory to release at that point? Am I using the wrong C# free method? Is there one specifically for this sort of situation?

You need to call the corresponding "free" method in the library you're using.

Memory allocated via new is part of the C++ runtime, and calling FreeHGlobal won't work. You need to call (one way or the other) delete[] against the memory.

If this is your own library then create a function (eg VideoSource_FreeFrame ) that deletes the memory. Eg:

void VideoSource_FreeFrame(unsigned char *buffer)
  delete[] buffer;

And then call this from C#, passing in the IntPtr you got back.

You need to (in c++) delete dst; . That means you need to provide an API that the C# code can call, like FreeFrame(...) , which does exactly that.

I agree with the first answer. Do NOT free it in C# code, using any magical, liturgical incantations. Write a method in C++ that free's the memory, and call it from your C# code. Do NOT get into the habit of allocationg memory in one heap (native) and freeing it another heap (managed), that's just bad news.

Remember one of the rules from the book effective C++: Allocate memory in the constructor, and deallocate in the destructor. And if you can't do it in the destructor, do it in an in-class method, not some global (or even worse) friend function.

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