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Set Process Variable Without Calling Process.Start

I want to set a Process variable without using "Process.Start("procName")" in
Process myProcess = Process.Start("procName");
Any ideas on how to do that?

This will construct a new instance of the Process class. But a more interesting question might be, why would you want to do this?

var proc = new Process();

You could use the .WaitForExit() on the skyrim process. Here is an example that opens CMD.exe and checks if notepad is open, if it is open it will wait for notepad to close before closing CMD.exe Note that if notepad is not running the .CloseMainWindow() fails because it comes to quick.

        Process cmd = Process.Start("cmd.exe");  // get ENB process

        Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad"); // Get "skyrim" here
        if (p.Length > 0)

        // or cmd.Close();

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