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Compare String to Column in SQL Server, and Return a value

I'm not sure if I should create a View, Stored Procedure, or function for this, but here is what I have so far:

USE [HomeStorageQA2]

DECLARE @SearchValue Varchar(255)
DEClare @Flag Varchar(255)
SET @Flag = NULL
SET @SearchValue = 'Inner point(s) > outer point(s);'
Declare @MainString Varchar(255)
Set @MainString = dbo.GetComments
if Charindex(@SearchValue,@MainString) > 0
Set @Flag = 'True'
Select  'Flag' = @Flag

If I Set @MainString = [Some value containing SearchValue] , then the query returns True . I want to use this query for the rows in TestComments.Comments ; so it's comparing the value of Comments to the @SearchValue , and returning True or False for each row.

I already have a Stored Procedure dbo.GetComments to find a match via an identifier called SummaryID in the TestComments table.

  1. My final goal is to be able to create a Select statement with three columns of data: SummaryID , Comments , and the corresponding @Flag value for all rows in TestComments . Will this syntax be able to create what I need, and how do I set @MainString to the value I want?

  2. Should this be created as a stored procedure, function, or view? (I'm assuming Stored Procedure or Function)

make it a proc/fnc if and only if it rises to the level of re-usability and coveted status that it belongs there. if you don't know the difference, then the answer is no. it is probably random gibberish not worthy of such status, less you desire a system of way crazy inching toward an inevitable face-palm

Here's a stored procedure version:

    @searchValue varchar(MAX)
    , Comments
    , CASE
        WHEN CHARINDEX(@searchValue, Comments) > 0 THEN 'True'
        ELSE 'False'
        END AS Flag
FROM TestComments

For example you can create a scalar function that returns bit. The it is done like:

select SummaryID, Comments, dbo.FunctionName(Comments, @searchString)  
from TestComments

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