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Javascript error only on Safari

I've a javascript that works well in all browser but Safari.

The code is pretty easy and basically when I change the value of a text field (numeric value) the content of a <b> is changed

Here the code

$(document).on('change', '.priceAmount', function(e) {
 $((e.target).closest('div.price_info')).find('> .supplierPrice').html(
 ($(this).val() + 10);

the corrisponding HTML is

<div class="price_info">        
   <input type="number" class="priceAmount">    
   <b class="supplierPrice">20</b>

The 20 inside the <b> is inserted by the js when I enter 10 in the input box.

Safari gives me this error

TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating '(e.target).closest('div.price_info')')

It seems like Safari doesn't receive the element when the event is triggered

Use $(this) instead of e.target. Suggested to use parseInt

$(document).on('change', '.priceAmount', function(e) {
 $(this).closest('div.price_info').find('.supplierPrice').html(parseInt($(this).val()) + 10);


You missed the $ of the e.target :

    .find('> .supplierPrice').html(parseInt($(this).val(), 10) + 10);

Alternatively, you can also use $(this) :

    .html(parseInt($(this).val(), 10) + 10);

Syntax Error in your code:

Extra ( after html method:

$((e.target).closest('div.price_info')).find('> .supplierPrice').html(
 ($(this).val() + 10);

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