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Three.js + Chrome 43: Error creating WebGL context

I get an "Error creating WebGL context" error when running this script in chrome 43 under Ubuntu Linux. It worked perfectly fine in chrome 42 ad in the stable release of Firefox. Here's the stack trace:

Error creating WebGL context.THREE.WebGLRenderer @ three.min.js:517(anonymous function) @ pen.js:24(anonymous function) @ pen.js:120

Note that I get this error in Chrome release 43 on the example script, but also on all the examples on threejs.org. The scripts prodcing this error use threejs r70 and r71

EDIT: I just noticed that this bug is specific to the chromium package on ubuntu linux, chrome works fine.

How do I fix this?

I get the same thing for Chromium 43.0.2357.81 Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit), but Chrome 43 is fine. It seems to be a bug, here is an issue in Chromium bug tracker about it. Chromium developer says:

We have no control over which Chromium revision Ubuntu decides to pull into their distribution. It's entirely possible they pulled a broken revision. Sorry, but this is an issue you'll have to take up with Canonical.

Here and here are possible issues for Ubuntu Chromium distribution, but it seems to be not fixed yet.

I think for now the solution will be to downgrade to a working version and wait for a fix.

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