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Jsoncpp not reading exponents correctly

I am working with json in c++ and decided to try out Jsoncpp. In my json I have some values that are in scientific notation and contain negative exponents such as 4.0e-06. When I go to parse this json string I get weird results. The library seems to work fine on positive exponents but fails when a negative sign appears.

Below is an example of the code I was using to test this json string.

#include "json/json.h"
#include <iostream> 
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(){

    string json_example = "{\"test\":4.0e-06, \"test2\":0.000004\"}";

    Json::Value json;
    Json::Reader reader;
    bool parsed = reader.parse(json_example, json, false);

    cout << json.toStyledString() << endl;  


And this is the output I receive.

   "test" : 3.9999999999999998e-06,
   "test2" : 3.9999999999999998e-06

I cannot tell if this is a bug in the library or if I am doing something wrong. I have tried using older versions of Jsoncpp and still arrived at the same issue.


It's not JsonCpp's fault, just an issue with representing that number in double format. You can check it yourself:

double a, b, c, d, e, f;
a = json["test"].asDouble(); // 3.9999999999999998e-006
b = json["test2"].asDouble(); // 3.9999999999999998e-006
c = boost::lexical_cast<double>("4.0e-06"); // 3.9999999999999998e-006
d = boost::lexical_cast<double>("0.000004"); // 4.0000000000000007e-006 (!)
sscanf("4.0e-06", "%lf", &e); // 3.9999999999999998e-006
sscanf("0.000004", "%lf", &f); // 3.9999999999999998e-006

...But strangely enough, when I converted the JSON back to string I got this:

std::string test = json.toStyledString();

//   "test" : 4.000000000000000e-006,
//   "test2" : 4.000000000000000e-006

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