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pspell returns question marks(�)

I've tried to install pspell on an Ubuntu trusty distribution with the following commands:

sudo apt-get install libpspell-dev sudo apt-get install php5-pspell sudo apt-get install aspell-he

The process seems to have succeeded since there was no error returned during the installation process.

However, when I try this in action, I get an array of question marks( ):

$t = pspell_new('he');

$suggestions = pspell_suggest($t, 'דבל');

return view('master', compact('suggestions')); 
// the above line can be swapped with"
// print_r($suggestions);
// and the result stays the same

The reason I used view is that because I thought that maybe the webpage need some charset set to it so I used HTML5 document structure to achieve that, however the result remained the same.

My HTML markup:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="he">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    סתם טקסט לבדיקה
    <?php print_r($suggestions); ?>

The result returned from that:

סתם טקסט לבדיקה Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => )

I've also ran another test where I tried to do:

return pspell_check($t, 'הגדא') ? 'there is' : 'nope';

And for some reason, for any given word it returned with "nope" which means that pspell_check returned false

Any idea how to fix this?


When trying to retrieve the length of the results:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="he">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
@foreach($suggestions as $suggestion)
    {{ strlen($suggestion) }} <br>

The result is:


Which means that maybe the returned results from pspell_suggest method had problem retrieving the data from the aspell dictionary?

This looks like encoding issue. You should be using UTF-8 for the HTML content (check your page <head> and check if you set encding, BUT also you must populate your page with content encoded in the same UTF-8 . If (which can often happen) your PHP file is not UTF8 then you will have encoding mismatch and instead.

Since every word check returned with the same results it got me suspected that maybe the value that is being passed to the pspell_suggest function is corrupted.

What I did was simply tell pspell to use UTF-8:

$t = pspell_new('he', "", "", "utf-8");

This solved the problem.

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